Kamis, 21 Januari 2016

                                    Tugas Softskill 4.

      Nama Kelompok :

  • Asrida Farahmawati  
  • Fuad H
  • Rekha Amallia. G
  • Venta Oktavia. T
       Kelas : 2PA17 
Fenomena dalam internet : (Online Games).

For more information please check the following link to :

                            "Phenomenon Games Online:"
What is "play the game"? In a broad sense of game play means "entertainment". The game play also refers to the notion as "intellectual agility" (intellectual playability). While the word "game" could be interpreted as an arena for decision and action of his players.There are targets to be achieved players. Intellectual agility, at some level, is a measure of the extent to which it is interesting to play the game to the fullest.
On the other hand there is a saying, "Online games are the games that provide specific servers to be played. However, online gaming is different from other games, online games are endless and online games can also generate additional money is to exchange currencies in online games with rupiah or it could also sell the game character online to others. When you are "gods", the price could reach millions of rupiah "
Online games as one of the newest types of entertainment, which provides a number of features with highly diverse, causing the phenomenon and the latest issue for this generation. as a means of entertainment, online gaming is not a problem, the problem is dependence on activity nge-games for some people. The on-line games addicts are mostly aged children and teens. It is conceivable, how the effects of on-line games for their psychological growth.
Has been much research done on the effect of this game for children. And of course give positive and negative results. The following information about the influence of games for children, according to the researchers who has been summarized from several sources.

• First, according to Cabinet Secretary One in the UK, Tom Watson, says that by playing video games, children can learn to train the mind, concentration, address challenges and adapt to the changes around them.
• Secondly, according to some researchers from the University of Rochester, New York, United States conducting research on the positive impact the game. According to them, Children who play video games will develop skills in reading and math.
• Third, Mark Griffiths, a professor at Nottingham Trent University, UK, said that playing games can alleviate and even distract from the pain suffered by a child who is in a period of treatment, such as chemotherapy. By playing the game, the pain will be reduced and blood pressure will decrease.
• Fourth, the game play is also good for physiotherapy of children who suffered a hand injury.
Although the game can otherwise be a positive impact on children, experts still recommend to keep the child should not linger long in playing the game.
Because, also expressed in some researchers, that play also gives a negative damapak for kids.

• First, Professor of Psychology Douglas A. Gentile, who runs the Media Research Lab at Iowa State University, Ames, Children addiction, depression, anxiety, and social phobia will worsen and their school grades will drop.
• Second, Douglas also mentioned states over time playing video games pose a risk of children exposed to concentration problems and hyperactivity twice as high. Whereas when they quit addiction, depression, anxiety, and social phobia would be better.
• Third, there is also a negative influence on the child's social life if too often play games especially online games, is the child of time with friends and family become estranged because of the association only in the vicinity of online games alone rather than in a real environment.
• Fourth, if accustomed only to interact with the games make children be covered and difficult to express himself while in a real environment.
• Fifth, on-line gaming activities is access to the most dangerous for the development of children and adolescents after-content access pornographic content. If the content of pornography, the government considered dangerous, then the on-line games is a legal access, even some Internet service providers, specifically to provide special content on-line games.
• Sixth, the dependence on activity nge-games. In fact, many children, are deliberately set aside their pocket money in order to play games on-line. Dependence on activity nge-games, will reduce the positive activities that should be undertaken by children at their developmental age. Even many cases it appears that, dependence on nge-games activity continues in adulthood (college). Children who become dependent on the activity of games, will reduce the time to learn and time to socialize with their peers. If this continues for a long time, in pekirakan child will withdraw in social interaction, is not sensitive to the environment, could even form the asocial personality, where children do not have the ability to adapt to their social environment.
• Most of the games say that games can sharpen their brain, how to solve existing problems in games, and to upgrade their skills on a daily basis, which not everyone can do it. Basically, proficiency in games just as often repeat-ngulang, no real kemapuan side that can be demonstrated in a real world. Keep in mind that we live in a social world that is real, not in cyberspace. Settlement of problems in the virtual world, can not even practiced in a real social dunis. Expertise in the real world is a real life. Cyberspace is only as a means to simplify and learning tool, or just as simply as a means of entertainment, not as a primary focus in life. This may be different with my friends who are running the business on-line. The truth is, it can set the time between activities nge-games with real-world activity. Do not run leave the real world activity, which is the main place to play games.

• Dependence teen activity online games require the attention of various parties, including government, parents or employers engaged in Internet services. Do not let the existence of on-line games make this generation does not have the capability anything, except kemapuannya in playing games.
• So, because the game is not just a positive influence but also a negative effect, the necessary role of parents in assisting and supervising children in playing games. Parents should be able to give an explanation, advice and good information about the games played by children. Parents also have to control the children about a time limit in game play to avoid excessive and avoid the negative effects for children.

Reference :

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